iOS 16 - 16.1.2 JAILBREAK News: FileSwitcherX RELEASED! Customize Device Home Screen / Sound (A12+)
▶ Get AnyUnlock to sign out of Apple ID if you forgot your password: https://bit.ly/3hgCsc1 In today's video, we have even more great news for those of you who updated to iOS 16.0 up to iOS 16.1.2 on all devices. A new application called FileSwitcherX was released which allows you to tweak some parts of your device without having a jailbreak installed. This application does make use of a jailbreak kernel vulnerability, but it's not a full jailbreak, just a tweaking application. With FileSwitcherX you can customize the dock, folder background, device sounds (keyboard tap, charger plug in, low battery, etc.) and more. In combination with the Font changer app released for iOS 16 a few days ago, this can make for some nice customization. IMPORTANT: This video is provided for informational, research, and news purposes. Jailbreaking is free and legal as per DMCA 2015. Please use jailbreaking tools responsibly. As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS, Apple, and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials! ~ GeoSn0w ▽ Resources ▽ ▶ Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/idevicecentral ▶ Latest Jailbreak Releases: https://bit.ly/3vl00A5 ▶ NEW iOS 15.2 - 15.3.1 JAILBREAK Kernel Vuln RELEASED! Things Are Looking Good! (Unc0ver / Taurine): https://youtu.be/Rr3ZRf-fRZ4 ▽ Social Media ▽ ▶ Our Sub-Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/idevicecentral ▶ Facebook: https://facebook.com/fce365official ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FCE365