iOS 14.0 - 16.1.2 JAILBREAK News: NEW Cowabunga RELEASE! Fixes Major Issue With Tweaks!

visibility 2K views calendar_month Sep 16, 2023

▶ Get AnyUnlock to unlock Apple ID, MDM, Screen Lock, and more: In today's video, we are discussing the latest update to Cowabunga, a jailbreak alternative for iOS 14.0 up to iOS 16.1.2 on all devices which allows you to install some tweaks / customizations and themes on your device even without a jailbreak. A new update is out, fixing some major issues such as tweaks not applying properly. It's also paramount to mention that neither Cowabunga nor other MacDirtyCow apps are detectable by jailbreak detection in apps. While Cowabunga is not a full jailbreak per se, it can still provide some great jailbreak functionality through the customization it brings. IMPORTANT: This video is provided for informational, research, and news purposes. Jailbreaking is free and legal as per DMCA 2015. Please use jailbreaking tools responsibly. As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS, Apple, and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials! ~ GeoSn0w ▽ Resources ▽ ▶ Support us on Patreon: ▶ Latest Jailbreak Releases: ▶ NEW iOS 15.2 - 15.3.1 JAILBREAK Kernel Vuln RELEASED! Things Are Looking Good! (Unc0ver / Taurine): ▽ Social Media ▽ ▶ Our Sub-Reddit: ▶ Facebook: ▶ Twitter:

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