'Video thumbnail for iOS 16 - 16.4 JAILBREAK & DOWNGRADE Important Info + CHANGES & What Tools To Use! (All Devices)'

iOS 16 - 16.4 JAILBREAK & DOWNGRADE Important Info + CHANGES & What Tools To Use! (All Devices)

visibility 74K views calendar_month Sep 16, 2023

▶ Get AnyUnlock to unlock Apple ID, MDM, Screen Lock, and more: http://bit.ly/40usFAL In this video, we're continuing the discussion on the future of iOS Jailbreaking and some more very good news. For a while now, ever since iOS 15.0, we've known that rootless jailbreaks are the new norm. iOS 15 came with sealed Root FS, so the solution was to build rootless jailbreaks that don't touch the sealed file system. Finally, we're starting to see widespread adoption of the rootless format as big-name repos such as Havoc Repo started supporting rootless tweak submissions, and developers such as iCraze and opa334 have started submitting rootless-ready tweaks to repos. It's finally happening, the era of rootless tweaks has begun and the support is finally here. IMPORTANT: This video is provided for informational, research, and news purposes. Jailbreaking is free and legal as per DMCA 2015. Please use jailbreaking tools responsibly. As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS, Apple, and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials! ~ GeoSn0w ▽ Resources ▽ ▶ Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/idevicecentral ▶ Latest Jailbreak Releases: https://bit.ly/3vl00A5 ▶ NEW iOS 15.2 - 15.3.1 JAILBREAK Kernel Vuln RELEASED! Things Are Looking Good! (Unc0ver / Taurine): https://youtu.be/Rr3ZRf-fRZ4 ▽ Social Media ▽ ▶ Jailbreak News and Releases: https://idevicecentral.com ▶ Our gaming website: https://gametutorialpro.com ▶ Our Sub-Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/idevicecentral