iOS 16.0 - 16.5 A12+ JAILBREAK IMPORTANT NEWS: iOS 16.5 No Longer Signed! Best Versions To Be On!
▶ 1-click to Downgrade from iOS 17 or install iOS/iPadOS 17 (beta): https://bit.ly/42eVhO7 ▶ Repair iOS/macOS System Without Data Loss: https://bit.ly/43cFgcB In today's video, we're discussing the latest events in the jailbreak community. Apple has recently stopped signing iOS 16.5 which makes only iOS 16.5.1 currently available to install. If you are waiting for a jailbreak, I would recommend staying on iOS 16.5 or lower as iOS 16.5.1 patches two important and useful vulnerabilities. In iOS 16.5.1 there is a kernel vulnerability patched, as well as a WebKit one. Both of these could be useful for jailbreaking. IMPORTANT: This video is provided for informational, research, and news purposes. Jailbreaking is free and legal as per DMCA 2015. Please use jailbreaking tools responsibly. As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS, Apple, and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials! ~ GeoSn0w ▽ Resources ▽ ▶ Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/idevicecentral ▶ Latest Jailbreak Releases: https://bit.ly/3vl00A5 ▽ Social Media ▽ ▶ Jailbreak News and Releases: https://idevicecentral.com ▶ Our gaming website: https://gametutorialpro.com