iOS 15.0 - 16.4.1 JAILBREAK News: ESSENTIAL Tweak Now Supports Rootless Jailbreaks (Checkl0ck)
▶ Grab AnyUnlock to fix forgotten Apple ID, MDM, Screen Lock, and more: http://bit.ly/40CtXsB In today's video, we have some great news, especially for those of you who use PaleRa1n Jailbreak or CheckRa1n Jailbreak, but also for rootless jailbreak in general. An important tweak called checkl0ck has been updated to support rootless jailbreaks on iOS 15.0 up to iOS 16.5. Checkl0ck is a tweak that brings back the passcode, FaceID, and TouchID functionality on devices jailbroken with PaleRa1n or Checkra1n. Normally, this functionality gets broken because of the jailbreak's incompatibility with SEP. With this tweak, you can get some of the functionality back. IMPORTANT: This video is provided for informational, research, and news purposes. Jailbreaking is free and legal as per DMCA 2015. Please use jailbreaking tools responsibly. As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS, Apple, and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials! ~ GeoSn0w ▽ Resources ▽ ▶ Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/idevicecentral ▶ Latest Jailbreak Releases: https://bit.ly/3vl00A5 ▽ Social Media ▽ ▶ Jailbreak News and Releases: https://idevicecentral.com ▶ Our gaming website: https://gametutorialpro.com ▶ Our Sub-Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/idevicecentral ▶ Facebook: https://facebook.com/fce365official