

Deluminator - For iOS 13.1 - 16.7.8

Version: 4.2.4
Bundle ID: com.foxfort.deluminator
Architecture: iphoneos-arm (Rootful)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, com.opa334.altlist, preferenceloader, com.foxfort.foxforttools (>= 1.4.12), firmware (>= 13.1)
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 1.49 MB
Author: foxfortmobile
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: July 11, 2024

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Dark mode for the web

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
4.2.4 July 11, 2024 13.1 - 16.7.8

Tweak Full Description

Dark mode for the web

Deluminator converts all your websites to a darker mode. It works with all browsers like Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Edge and is also compatible with built in safari used by apps by Twitter and Twitterrifc. Third party apps like ebay and cydia that display websites are also supported. Check the screenshots below to see the tweak's effect.

Webpage options can be accessed by double tapping on the webpage using two fingers.

After installation,go to tweak settings and enable it in the apps you want.


Since all websites are not made alike, it is impossible to get perfect dark modes. This is a best attempt algorithm and works with most websites. If you have find any broken website, just contact me or use the report webpage feature.


-In Safari on iOS 13, you can access deluminator options by tapping on AA button in address bar

-Quick page options access (Double tap on the webview with two fingers)

-Different page styles are like pure black, dark gray

-Works in any webview app (like Cydia, Ebay)

-Website blacklist

-Dim images option with configurable brightness level

-View original page (reload webpage to get back to dark mode)

-Report webpage if it has issues with Deluminator 

If you want to see the tweak in action, check out the video review by TheTechConsumer:

For more reviews, checkout these blogs:

Tweak Screenshots

Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot
Deluminator Tweak Screenshot