

Picarize - For iOS 14.0 - 16.7.8

Version: 1.0.6
Bundle ID: com.foxfort.picarize
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, firmware (>= 14.0), preferenceloader, com.foxfort.foxforttools (>= 1.4.8)
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 18.88 MB
Author: foxfortmobile
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: February 12, 2024

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Remove background from image

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.0.6 February 12, 2024 14.0 - 16.7.8

Tweak Full Description


Picarize ports the "copy subject from photo" from iOS 16 to older jailbroken iOS versions. Using machine learning, it can extract the most salient part of an image, more commonly referred to as subject. To explain it in more simpler terms, this is a background remover for photos with a foreground object in it. Picarize works best on humans and pets but can also work with big objects with contrasting background. With just 1 tap, you can isolate the background and end up with a transparent image containing the subject. In contrast to the native iOS 16 feature which requires iPhone XS and above, Picarize works on older devices including the 8 years old iPhone 6s!! Since the iPhone 8/X which, despite running iOS 16 cannot access this feature, they can use this tweak which will replicate the stock feature as much as possible on that iOS version.

All this complex AI magic happens on your device itself, completely offline. Your photos stay on your device and are not sent to any servers, respecting your privacy.

Picarize supports dragging and dropping the subject across apps on iOS 15/16 only. It is not possible to do same on iOS 14 because the native drag and drop api was built by Apple in iOS 15. But you can still copy or share the subject via the standard share sheet. You can also use Picarize to paste the subject into Whatsapp which will detect it as a sticker without needing iOS 16.

Picarize works in the following places:

  • Photos app
  • Safari app by long pressing an image
  • Messages app
  • Files app
  • Standard screenshots/Snapper 2 screenshots via share sheet

Note: Picarize is not compatible with iPads and Xina jailbreak (switch to Dopamine jailbreak).

Check out this Youtube review by ProfeJuAntonio to see the tweak in action:


Tweak Screenshots

Picarize Tweak Screenshot
Picarize Tweak Screenshot
Picarize Tweak Screenshot
Picarize Tweak Screenshot
Picarize Tweak Screenshot
Picarize Tweak Screenshot