Zeppelin Reborn

Zeppelin Reborn

Zeppelin Reborn - For iOS 14.0 - 16.7.10

Version: 1.4.2
Bundle ID: com.hitori.zeppelinreborn
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, preferenceloader, com.muirey03.libimagepicker
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 3.03 MB
Author: Hitori
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: September 11, 2024

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Adds an image or GIF next to the carrier text or time!

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.4.2 September 11, 2024 14.0 - 16.7.10

Tweak Full Description

Zeppelin Reborn

Enhance your status bar with Zeppelin Reborn, a modern twist on the classic Zeppelin tweak.

This tweak allows you to seamlessly add an image or GIF next to the carrier text or time, providing a fresh and personalized look to your device. Revive the old favorite with this stylish and customizable update!

Theme Mode

  • Image Themes: Choose from various static image themes.
  • GIF Themes: Select from a variety of animated themes.
  • Custom Image: Upload your own custom image.
  • Custom GIF Image: Upload a custom GIF image.

Position Settings

  • Carrier: Set the image or GIF to appear near the carrier text.
  • Time: Set the image or GIF to appear near the time text.
  • Both: Apply the settings to both the carrier and time text.

Image Options

  • Choose an Image (GIF): Select an image or GIF to display.
  • Hide Carrier Name: Option to hide the carrier name.
  • Replace Time With Carrier: Replace the time text with the carrier name.
  • Image Size: Adjust the size of the image.
  • Dynamic Color: Enable dynamic color adjustments.

Theme Adjustment

  • Adjust the position and size of the selected theme to fit your preference.

Tweak Screenshots

Zeppelin Reborn Tweak Screenshot
Zeppelin Reborn Tweak Screenshot