Snapper 3

Snapper 3

Snapper 3 - For iOS 14.0 - 17.2

Version: 1.2.1
Bundle ID: com.jontelang.snapper3
Architecture: iphoneos-arm (Rootful)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, firmware(>=14.0), preferenceloader
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 4.05 MB
Author: jontelang
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: January 9, 2024

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Pin screenshots on the screen.

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.2.1 January 9, 2024 14.0 - 17.2

Tweak Full Description

Snapper 3 is a toolbox for screenshots on iOS.


  • Pin cropped screenshots to display information across applications
  • Instantly copy, share, and save cropped selections of the screen
  • Perform OCR on text within photos and screen captures
  • Scan QR codes directly from the screen
  • Access the Snapper 3 history to view saved images
  • Upload images directly to Imgur
  • Utilize plugins like Translomatic, Tranzlo, and HammerIt for text translation / management


As of 1.0.4 it supports iPhone and iPad, ios 14-16 (and 17 if you are on the beta). Dopamine and Palera1n are officially supported, and Xina works too.

Update Jan 2024: RootHide jailbreaks, and other newer ones like Bootstrap, Seratonin, should work in 1.2.1.

Improvements from Snapper 2

Originally released in for iOS 9 back in 2014, Snapper 2 received several free major features updates, and has been updated to work on all iOS version up and until the current one, iOS 16.

While Snapper 2 has been received very well over the years, there are always things to improve. Based on feedback, and a better understanding of how people have used it, Snapper 3 has been mostly rewritten to take action on this.

I wrote a large thread on Twitter with a lot of examples and details, so please have a look here:

Tweak Screenshots

Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot
Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot
Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot
Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot
Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot
Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot
Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot
Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot
Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot
Snapper 3 Tweak Screenshot