CarBridge Legacy (old)

CarBridge Legacy (old)

CarBridge Legacy (old) - For iOS 10.0 - 12.5.7

Bundle ID: com.leftyfl1p.carplay
Architecture: iphoneos-arm (Rootful)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: firmware (>= 10.0), mobilesubstrate, applist, com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap, preferenceloader, ws.hbang.common
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 5.13 MB
Author: leftyfl1p
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: January 31, 2022

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Tweak description:

Open any app in CarPlay!

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions January 31, 2022 10.0 - 12.5.7

Tweak Full Description

This is the old version of CarBridge for iOS 10-12, it is no longer being updated. View the latest version here.

Welcome to CarBridge! This is how CarPlay should’ve been.

With CarBridge, you can take any app on your iPhone and attempt to load it onto your Apple CarPlay supported touchscreen head-unit. Being stuck with Apple’s limited CarPlay app selection is no longer an issue. Apps display with their native interface and appear just how you remember them on your phone with the addition of being enlarged for the bigger CarPlay screen size.

Utilize the full power of your apps without limitation: CarBridge allows you to have 2 apps open at once! One for your phone and one for the car. You can even swap a single app back and forth between the car and your phone without closing it.

CarBridge also allows you to bridge official CarPlay apps which disables the official CarPlay portion of the app and enables the ability to show the full iPhone app on CarPlay, so you can use Apple Maps on your car without limitation, just how you remember it.

Because of the nature of this software, not all apps will display perfectly. As a solution, CarBridge includes the Portal app. The Portal app allows you to directly view your phone’s screen and control it with touch. With this you can use whatever app that is on your phone, just how it was intended to be displayed. Joystick-only CarPlay users can also benefit from and launch the Portal app. The only difference is that joystick users cannot control the phone from the car, but can still view it just fine.

Never use the Now Playing app? Done with Apple Maps? CarBridge gives you the ability to hide any CarPlay icon you want. It’s your device and your car. It’s up to you to customize CarPlay however you want.

Please view the FAQ for more information regarding compatibility or other specifications.

Refunds will not be issued due to users purchasing the wrong CarBridge version. Version compatibility is listed at the top of the description, in the title of the product, and in the product description page on Havoc.

Tweak Screenshots