

Zenith - For iOS 11.0 - 13.7

Version: 1.2.6
Bundle ID: com.muirey03.zenith
Architecture: iphoneos-arm (Rootful)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, preferenceloader, ws.hbang.common (>= 1.14)
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 672 KB
Author: Muirey03
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: February 1, 2022

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Organisation Done Right

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.2.6 February 1, 2022 11.0 - 13.7

Tweak Full Description

(Apex for iOS 11+)

The long wait has paid off, Zenith is a complete rewrite of the popular tweak Apex designed entirely for iOS 11.

Zenith lets your create "stacks" of icons on your homescreen. Simply swipe up or down on any app icon to reveal its sub-apps. Here you can select any apps you want to add behind it and those apps will now be unobtrusively peeking out from behind your central app. All you have to do to edit an existing stack is to press-and-hold on the central icon when that stack is expanded and you can edit any existing sub-apps or add new ones.

Configure options from Settings.

Please report any bugs here.

Huge thanks to @PINPAL for the icon and banner.

Tweak Screenshots

Zenith Tweak Screenshot
Zenith Tweak Screenshot
Zenith Tweak Screenshot
Zenith Tweak Screenshot
Zenith Tweak Screenshot