

Flora - For iOS 14.0 - 17.3.1

Version: 1.1.3
Bundle ID: com.rosiepie.flora
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: firmware (>= 14.0), mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000), preferenceloader (>= 2.2.3), com.mrgcgamer.libgcuniversal, com.opa334.libsandy
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 1.99 MB
Author: rosiepie
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: March 3, 2024

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

A modern color changer, built for today's jailbreaks.

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.1.3 March 3, 2024 14.0 - 17.3.1

Tweak Full Description

₊˚ Flora ♡︎

✩ Flora was built to be the successor to older tweaks like Kaleidoscope or Spectrum, but with a modern feel built for today's jailbreaks, to change colors on iOS 14+.


Simple Mode:

  • 2 colors theme the entirety of iOS.
  • The colors have a 40% saturation influence by default.
  • The colors have a 20% lightness influence by default.
  • The alpha of the colors has no influence.
  • You can choose your own influences. More information about how this works is available in Flora's preference page in Settings.

Advanced Mode:

  • You can choose every color manually.
  • The alpha of the color you choose does influence the real color.

Allows you to Export/Import your colors!

  • Simply go to Flora's preferences and tap on the Export and Import buttons!

Colors are themed inside Apps!

  • Enable Flora and watch as your colors magically change in all of your applications too, thanks to libSandy
  • You can disable this from Flora's preference page in Settings!


  • This tweak supports rootless jailbreaks
  • This tweak works on both iOS and iPadOS
  • You must have the following dependencies:
    • libGcUniversal - Install from Havoc
    • libSandy - Install from BigBoss

Get Started

  • To get started, visit Flora's preferences page in your Settings app and enable the tweak. Make sure you respring after enabling!
  • Afterwards, you can apply your colors and switch between Simple and Advanced mode as you wish!
  • (Note: You may have to restart an app from the App Switcher or respring to see changes in some circumstances)


Question: The tweak seems to not work at all, what do I do?

Answer: First, try switching to Advanced mode and back to Simple mode. If that doesn't fix it, try going back to Advanced mode, changing System Colors > Green, and seeing if your battery color changes. If it doesn't, then please raise an issue.

Question: Are there any sources where I can find presets to import into Flora?

Answer: There are no official sources, but you can probably find some good presets by asking people in the r/Jailbreak Discord Server.


  • You can submit any issues you're facing here!
  • You can also join r/Jailbreak's Discord Server and send me a message request (@rosie.pie)
  • (Note: Ensure you are in the r/Jailbreak Discord Server before attempting to message me, I do not accept friend requests!)

Tweak Screenshots

Flora Tweak Screenshot
Flora Tweak Screenshot
Flora Tweak Screenshot