

3DTools - For iOS 12.0 - 14.3

Version: 1.0.5
Bundle ID: com.smokin1337.3dtools
Architecture: iphoneos-arm (Rootful)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, org.thebigboss.libcolorpicker
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 2.16 MB
Author: smokin
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: February 1, 2022

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Tweak description:

An awesome MobileSubstrate tweak!

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.0.5 February 1, 2022 12.0 - 14.3

Tweak Full Description

Make your 3D touch menu a powerhouse !!

Compatible with iOS 12, 13 and 14 !!

Add powerful custom options to your 3D Touch menu:

  • Get/Copy Bundle Identifier - Pops up an alert with the bundle id and an option to copy it
  • Clear Badge - Clear the badges for the app, don't worry they come back if you close and reopen the app or receive a new notification.
  • Clear Cache - Clear the app's caches freeing up space.
  • Uninstall App - Uninstall the app right from the 3D menu.(requests confirmation first)
  • Banners - Enable/Disable banners ONLY from the 3D menu. (Notice: When changed it will reload springboard using sbreload)
  • Notifications - Enable/disable notifications from the 3D menu (Notice: When changed it will reload springboard using sbreload)
  • App Lock - Lock the app, when enabled opening the app from anywhere will require authentication. It will be inaccessible from spotlight and all other 3D touch options will be disabled(other than 3DTools options). It is also blurred in the switcher. To disable the lock will also require authentication.

Extra Options:

  • Disable Badges Systemwide - Disable badges everywhere all the time.
  • Hide Widget Labels - iOS 14+
  • Hide Widgets in 3D Menus - Hide the widgets in the 3D menu, like the one for the Phone app.
  • Hide Share in 3D Menus - Hide the share option in the 3D menus
  • Hide Remove App in 3D Menus - Hide the remove app option in the 3D menus
  • Hide Edit Homescreen in 3D menus - Hide the edit button in 3d menus
  • Hide Separators**(iOS 13 Only)** - Hide the thin lines in the 3D menu
  • Hide Thick Separators(iOS 13 Only) - Hide the thick separators found on iOS 13

Color Options (1.0.2+ ):

  • Pure Color(iOS 13 Only) - Remove the dimming view on the menu found in iOS 13 to use pure colors without tinting.
  • Static Color - Set a static color for the menu background using libcolorpicker
  • Adaptive Color(Icon) - Set the menu background color based on each app's dominant icon color
  • Adaptive Color(Wallpaper) - Set menu background color based on current wallpaper's dominant color
  • Adaptive Color Alpha(Transparency) - Adjust the transparency of the colors applied using the adaptive settings Note: alpha for static colors can be set via colorpicker.

All the settings except the bottom 3 are set per app !!

The icons in the 3D menu for Banners, Notifications, and App Lock change depending on status and adjust for both light and dark menus.

Got suggestions ? Tweet @ me, @smokin1337 #3DTools !!

If you don't have Force Touch grab Force3DAppShortcuts tweak from DGh0st's repo (https://DGh0st.github.io/). BigBoss version is NOT updated !!

Tweak Screenshots

3DTools Tweak Screenshot
3DTools Tweak Screenshot
3DTools Tweak Screenshot
3DTools Tweak Screenshot
3DTools Tweak Screenshot
3DTools Tweak Screenshot
3DTools Tweak Screenshot
3DTools Tweak Screenshot