iOS Jailbreak News, Tutorials and Tools!
Seamless communication with your customers is now more crucial than ever. Reliable phone support is not just an added convenience; it’s an essential element for your business’s success. Whether it’s handling inquiries, providing immediate assistance, or building lasting relationships, phone support offers a personal touch […]
Buying a phone can be a significant investment, and many people are drawn to the idea of refurbished phones as a more affordable option. Yet, misconceptions about these devices often deter potential buyers. It’s time to dispel the myths and separate fact from fiction. Myth […]
If you want to jailbreak iOS 18 you are not alone. Jailbreaking brings a plethora of advantages that are just not available without it. In the past few years, Apple made great progress toward making iOS more customizable and less restrictive, but jailbreaking is very […]
Drones, once limited to military applications and hobbyists, have become indispensable tools for a wide range of industries. Their ability to provide aerial perspectives, automate processes, and collect data efficiently makes them a valuable asset for businesses seeking innovation and efficiency. From agriculture to real […]
If you’re an iOS enthusiast, you’ve probably faced the limitations of Apple’s App Store. Whether you’re looking to explore jailbreak tweaks, install apps not available in the App Store, or access premium features for free, FlekStore is your gateway to a whole new world of […]
The newly released EverPwnage jailbreak for iOS 8.0 up to iOS 9.0.2 on 32-bit devices is yet another great jailbreak utility for legacy devices which seem to have gotten a lot of love from developers lately. The jailbreak is fully untethered on iOS 8.0 – […]
Sileo is nowadays the de facto package manager for iOS jailbreaks after Cydia became completely obsolete by iOS 15. It’s one of the most popular package managers used in dozens of jailbreak tools such as Dopamine, PaleRa1n, Taurine, etc. The Sileo used in RootHide Jailbreak, […]
The new RootHide Bootstrap is an essential tool for jailbreak enthusiasts as it supports iOS versions that Dopamine Jailbreak doesn’t support. While Dopamine Jailbreak (the most current traditional jailbreak) supports iOS 15.0 up to iOS 16.6.1 (on certain devices), the new RootHide Bootstrap supports iOS […]
The new RootHide Patcher tool allows you to easily convert rootless jailbreak tweaks into the format supported by RootHide Bootstrap which is a semi-jailbreak supporting iOS 15.0-17.0 A8-A17 & M1+M2 devices. This allows REAL jailbreak tweaks to run even without a complete jailbreak, however, some […]