iOS Jailbreak News, Tutorials and Tools!
As you may be aware, Cowabunga Lite is a tool that allows you to customize your iOS device without needing a jailbreak. Using Cowabunga Lite you can install themes with custom app icons, customize the lockscreen, hide the dock, modify the Control Center, and Passcode […]
If you’re not up to speed with the news, recently the iOS Jailbreak community got a brand new release of 2 kernel exploits as part of the KFD project which is free and open-sourced on GitHub. The new exploit works on iOS 15.0 all the […]
As you are probably aware, just a couple of days ago, developer felix-pb released two brand-new kernel exploits with a support range going from iOS 15.0 all the way up to iOS 16.5. While iOS 16.5.1 and iOS 16.6 release is not supported, iOS 16.6 […]