Viola Dark

Viola Dark

Viola Dark - For iOS All Versions

Version: 1.9.4
Bundle ID: com.bousrih.Darkviola
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Themes
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: NAN KB
Author: bossgfx
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: February 4, 2022

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

The dark side of Viola!

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.9.4 February 4, 2022 All Versions

Tweak Full Description

Bringing to you the dark side of Viola

  • +2000 icons
  • +15 alternative icons
  • 8 dark wallpapers (NEW wallpapers)
  • 2 Blank icons
  • Dark settings
  • Viola's colorful settings included
  • NEW Viola Dark Badges
  • NEW (1.9.2) Viola Dark Mask
  • UPDATE : 8 beautiful dark viola related wallpapers that you can get here (Open in Imgur app for original hq wallpapers)
  • Tip: if you're using Sileo and the link is not accessible open the theme in Safari.

Viola Dark will get updates like Viola does every 2 weeks containing :

  • At least 100 new icons
  • Slight enhancements to existing icons (or redesigns)
  • BundleID fixes
  • improved support to settings icons
  • Updates might be delayed if i’m busy with family and university

You can always follow my updates on twitter : @bossgfx_

Icon requests
  • Viola is very open to icon suggestions, you can make your requests via this email (viola.requests @
  • Provide proof of purchase (transaction screenshot)
  • You can request up to 10 icons
  • Please make sure to add Viola dark requests to the email
  • Paypal me if you wish to help supporting Viola updates.
  • Join our discord server for more updates & support for Viola here
  • Once you purchase Viola all future update are free.
  • Viola is available on Snowboard, Anemone & iThemer
Check out Viola or Viola Glyphs in case you didn't

Viola Dark is actually an extension to the already existing Viola theme loved and used by many of you

It also now has a glyph version : Viola Glyphs with more than 1600 icons and constant updates.

Thank you all for the great support & love I get every day from you guys, i'll always be working on improving this theme!

Tweak Screenshots

Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot
Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot
Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot
Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot
Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot
Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot
Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot
Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot
Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot
Viola Dark Tweak Screenshot