FlixRoulette for Netflix

FlixRoulette for Netflix

FlixRoulette for Netflix - For iOS 10.0 - 16.7.8

Version: 2.0.1
Bundle ID: com.joshuaseltzer.flixroulette
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, firmware (>=10.0)
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 392 KB
Author: joshuaseltzer
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: January 11, 2024

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Tweak description:

Pick a random episode from your favorite shows on Netflix for iOS.

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
2.0.1 January 11, 2024 10.0 - 16.7.8

Tweak Full Description

Have you ever wanted to watch a show on Netflix but can't figure out which episode to put on? Well, FlixRoulette for Netflix has your back. Simply pull up your favorite show on Netflix and tap on the "Shuffle" button. Doing so will play a random episode from any available season of the show!


This tweak is compatible with versions of the Netflix app that support iOS 10 to iOS 16. Below is a list of the tested versions of the app along with the respective iOS firmware. Please be aware that for versions of iOS no longer officially supported by Netflix (i.e. iOS 14 and earlier), the latest version of the app that is compatible was used for testing. Earlier versions may or may not be compatible, so it is recommended to use the version listed below if you wish to use this tweak.

  • iOS 16: 16.28.0
    • This is likely the last version that this tweak will ever support since 16.29.0 introduced a completely new way of displaying shows and would require a complete tweak re-write.
  • iOS 15: 15.48.1
  • iOS 14: 14.54.0
  • iOS 13: 13.38.0
  • iOS 12: 12.51.3
  • iOS 11: 11.49.0
  • iOS 10: 11.3.0

Hint: Netflix 11.x has an issue that only allows the first user profile to be selected when using the app. To get around this limitation on older versions of iOS, it is recommended you downgrade to Netflix 10.x or earlier.

Disclaimer: this tweak was designed to work with Netflix versions listed above. I will do my best to promptly test and update the tweak to support changes that Netflix makes in future updates of the tweak. However, if Netflix decides to completely redesign their application, I cannot guarantee that the tweak will be updated. If you run into any issues when using this tweak or have a question about device compatibility, please feel free to contact me.

Development Support

If you'd like to support the development of this tweak, consider checking out my other jailbreak tweaks, FlixRatings for Netflix and Sleeper, or my App Store application, Time2WOD.

Tweak Screenshots

FlixRoulette for Netflix Tweak Screenshot