Viola White

Viola White

Viola White - For iOS All Versions

Version: 1.8
Bundle ID: com.bousrih.violaWhite
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Themes
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: NAN KB
Author: bossgfx
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: February 4, 2022

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Tweak description:

The simple, modern & beautiful White version of Viola!

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.8 February 4, 2022 All Versions

Tweak Full Description

The completely free white version of the original Viola!

Viola White

A simple, modern & beautiful light iOS theme. Designed with care to replace the stock iOS look with a stunning color palette and beautiful gradients with icons that may have the same basics of stock iOS but feels very different and pleasant to the eyes.

Featuring more than 2000 icons

  • Viola White will be dealt as an extension to the already existing Viola theme
  • It'll be updated with all the icons that'll be added to Viola & Viola Dark
  • It'll be updated every 2 weeks
  • Updated will be delayed if i'm busy with family and work
Icon requests
  • Viola white will only accept Icon requests from Viola & Viola Dark users.
  • Send your icon requests at (Viola.requests@gmail. com) with Viola's proof of purchase to request icons!
  • You can request up to 10 icons
  • Please provide App name & Bundle ID.
  • You can get the app's bundleID here or here or by downloading BundleIDsXI (BundleIDsXII for A12) from Cydia/Sileo or any other package manager.
  • You need to purchase Viola if you want to make icon requests for Viola White.
  • Viola White is available on Snowboard, Anemone & iThemer
  • Viola White works on all iPhones, iPods & iPads running iOS 7.0 through iOS 14.x
Want the dark version of this theme? Get Viola Dark
  • Viola Dark is the dark mode of Viola and is handled as a separate theme. It contain more than 900 icons and 10 alts. It has its own dark settings, own set of dark wallpapers and is updated every 2 weeks.
Thank you
  • Thank you all for all the support
  • If you wish to help supporting the development of all Viola themes you can Paypal me
  • You can also follow me on twitter for updates and cool stuff ;)

Tweak Screenshots

Viola White Tweak Screenshot
Viola White Tweak Screenshot