
ExactTime - For iOS 10.0 - 15.7.1

Version: 2.0.2
Bundle ID: com.gilshahar7.exacttime
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 1 MB
Author: gilshahar7
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: February 17, 2024

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Tweak description:

Shows the exact time of notifications, messages, calls and emails.

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
2.0.2 February 17, 2024 10.0 - 15.7.1

Tweak Full Description

Compatible with iOS 10 - 15. 

This package combines all of the ExactTime tweaks, make sure to delete them when you install this one, configure from the Settings app.

Shows the exact time of notifications, messages, calls and emails


  • Affects both the Notification center & the lockscreen banners. 
  • Option to choose to only affect notifications older than X minutes. 
  • Option to add estimated time to the exact time, Example: "48m ago • 09:41" 
  • Option to add minutes to "Xh ago", Example: "5h 47m ago" 
  • You can also combine these options to get something like this: "5h 47m ago • 09:41" 


  • Adds an exact time to the message cells in the stock messages app.
  • Example: "Yesterday" => "Yesterday • 09:41"


  • Adds an exact time to the calls log in the stock phone app.


  • Adds an exact time to the mail cells in the stock Mail app.

Source code available on github

Tweak Screenshots

ExactTime Tweak Screenshot
ExactTime Tweak Screenshot
ExactTime Tweak Screenshot
ExactTime Tweak Screenshot
ExactTime Tweak Screenshot