Genesis 4

Genesis 4

Genesis 4 - For iOS 15.0 - 16.7.5

Version: 1.0.2
Bundle ID: com.itznebbs.genesis4
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, firmware (>= 15.0), preferenceloader, com.itznebbs.phoenix (>= 1.3.2), com.opa334.altlist
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 2.84 MB
Author: ItzNebbs
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: April 4, 2024

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

The result of something beautiful!

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.0.2 April 4, 2024 15.0 - 16.7.5

Tweak Full Description

Genesis 4 is the long awaited successor to Genesis 3. Most features from the previous iteration have been reimplemented, and new features are constantly being worked on.



  • Disable Icon Fly-In
  • Disable Icon Jitter
  • Disable Parallax Effect
  • Disable Switcher Zoom
  • Increase App Open/Close Speed
  • Increase Screen Dim/Wake Speed
  • Increase SpringBoard Speed

App Library:

  • Disable App Library (iPhone Only)
  • App Library Style
  • Hide Category Background
  • Hide Category Labels
  • Hide Folder Labels
  • Hide Folder Titles

App Options:

  • Messages Options
  • Phone Options
  • Safari Options
  • Settings Options

App Switcher:

  • Hide App Icons
  • Hide App Labels
  • Hide App Suggestions

Control Center:

  • Hide Status Bar
  • Proper Background (iPad Only)
  • Rounded Modules
  • Show Percentage in Sliders

Lock Screen:

  • Disable Camera/Today Views
  • Hide Charging Indicator
  • Hide Lock Icon
  • Hide "No Older Notifications"
  • Hide Status Bar
  • Hide Timer
  • Hide Unlock Text
  • Redesign Options


  • Custom Badge Radius
  • Colorize Badges + Notifications
  • Disable Spotlight + Today Views
  • Dock Options
  • Folder Options
  • Force Touch Options
  • Hide Apps
  • Hide Page Dots
  • Icon Options
  • Preserve Icon Layout

Status Bar:

  • Custom Carrier
  • Custom Date (iPad Only)
  • Hide Certain Elements

System Wide:

  • Disable Beta + SIM Alerts
  • Hide Scrollbars
  • Hide Separators
  • Hide Tab Labels
  • More Power Options

Tweak Screenshots

Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot
Genesis 4 Tweak Screenshot