
NotchControl - For iOS 11.0 - 14.8.1

Version: 1.0.1
Bundle ID: com.peterdev.notchcontrol
Architecture: iphoneos-arm (Rootful)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, ws.hbang.common (>= 1.11), firmware (>= 11.0), cy+cpu.arm64
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 476 KB
Author: s8ngyu
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: February 16, 2022

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Control with your Notch!

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.0.1 February 16, 2022 11.0 - 14.8.1

Tweak Full Description

Control with your Notch!

Tweak Screenshots

NotchControl Tweak Screenshot
NotchControl Tweak Screenshot
NotchControl Tweak Screenshot
NotchControl Tweak Screenshot