

Lynx - For iOS 12.0 - 13.7

Bundle ID: com.mtac.lynx
Architecture: iphoneos-arm (Rootful)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, firmware (>= 12.0), com.spark.libsparkapplist, com.spark.libsparkcolourpicker
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 2.77 MB
Author: MTAC
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: February 1, 2022

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Ultimate device customization for iOS 12/13

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions February 1, 2022 12.0 - 13.7

Tweak Full Description

Lynx - A dynamic customization tweak for iOS 12 & 13

Requires Cephei, libsparkcolourpicker and libSparkAppList

On iOS 14? Try out Lynx 2

SpringBoard (System Wide)

  • Hide Dock background
  • Hide Table View separators
  • Hide screenshot flash / set custom color
  • Hide scrollbars / set custom color
  • Hide navigation bar shadow image
  • Hide folder titles
  • Hide open folder background blur view
  • Hide folder page dots
  • Hide icon labels
  • Hide icon badges
  • Hide “Share App” option on 3D Touch
  • Hide “Delete App” option on 3D Touch
  • Hide “Edit Home Screen” option on 3D Touch
  • Reverse order of 3D Touch shortcuts
  • Hide 3D Touch shortcut icons
  • Show IP address on Settings’ Wi-Fi 3D Touch shortcut
  • Show battery percentage on Settings’ Battery 3D Touch shortcut
  • Hide 3D Touch separator lines
  • Hide control center statusbar
  • Hide tab bar labels / set custom height
  • Hide recently updated app dots
  • Hide page dots
  • Hide Status Bar Colored view (Location, Hotspot, Screen Recording)
  • Hide Home Bar / Hide everywhere (Overrides lockscreen)
  • Hide folder icon view background
  • Force 'Done' button when editing apps
  • Hide 'Add Widget' text on SpringBoard widgets
  • Hide Screen Time icon darkening view
  • Hide Screen Time hourglass icon
  • Automatically close folders when opening apps
  • Disable app breadcrumbs
  • Colorize app badges to average color
  • Disable Low Power Mode auto lock
  • Set custom number of Dock icons
  • Change FaceID animation duration
  • Use custom icon label colors
  • Force Light or Dark mode for specific apps
  • Use small navigation bar titles
  • Use custom number of home screen columns
  • Use modern style table views
  • Hide Dock completely
  • Clear badges via 3D Touch menu
  • Use custom screen corner radius
  • Disable screenshot sound
  • Hide expanded 3D Touch widgets
  • Enable Drag and Drop on iPhones
  • Disable wallpaper darkening
  • Set custom app tint color
  • Double tap to lock
  • Use dynamic shadows on notification banners


  • Set clock font and size
  • Hide clock
  • Hide Date label
  • Hide battery popup when charging
  • Hide page dots (Pre iPhone X)
  • Hide notification app names
  • Hide notification time labels
  • Hide / change “Notification Center” text
  • Hide FaceID padlock
  • Hide passcode button background
  • Hide emergency button
  • Hide cancel button
  • Hide delete/backspace button
  • Hide Swipe Up To Unlock/Press Home to Unlock text
  • Hide Search Bars on table views
  • Hide Control Center grabber
  • Hide 'No Older Notifications' text
  • Disable camera
  • Hide Do Not Disturb banner
  • Hide flashlight button (iPhone X)
  • Hide camera button (iPhone X)
  • Hide top FaceID text (iPhone X)
  • Disable unlock fly-in animation
  • Hide 'Enter Passcode' text
  • Use custom 'Enter Passcode' text
  • Use passcode button haptic feedback
  • Use custom notifications height
  • Use custom 'Swipe up to unlock' or 'Press home to unlock' text
  • Hide 'Manager' and 'View' buttons on notifications
  • Hide notification swipe section separators
  • Hide X button
  • Disable wake animation
  • Disable Raise to Wake when flashlight is enabled
  • Automatically rescan Face ID upon failure
  • Use custom date format for clock subtitle
  • Hide Quick Action button background
  • Use dynamic shadows on notifications


  • Use iPad grid style
  • Hide Handoff app suggestions
  • Hide card icons
  • Hide card app labels
  • Prevent killing from App Switcher if audio is playing
  • Kill all apps

Control Center

  • Hide Status bar
  • Hide message when toggling
  • Hide module separators
  • Actually disable/enable toggles
  • Use rounded modules
  • Use dark modules

Status Bar

  • Hide Wifi signal
  • Hide Cell signal
  • Hide Battery view
  • Hide Clock
  • Hide Lock Icon (non-notched devices)
  • Hide location arrow in Status Bar
  • Hide rotation lock in Status Bar
  • Hide Do Not Disturb moon in Status Bar
  • Hide Alarm icon in Status Bar
  • Hide Airplane icon in Status Bar
  • Hide VPN Icon in Status Bar
  • Hide expanded widgets on 3D Touch platters
  • Set custom carrier
  • Show percentage inside battery
  • Use iPhone X style
  • Use iPad style
  • Hide iPad date view
  • Set carrier name to WiFi address
  • Hide on Lock screen and Home screen
  • Replace 'No SIM' text
  • Set custom date as carrier text

Today View (Widgets)

  • Disable on lock screen
  • Hide Widgets View edit button
  • Hide 'The Weather Channel' text
  • Hide '1 Widget Available' text
  • Disable search gesture

App Store

  • Replace Arcade tab with updates


  • Hide “Share Photo” option
  • Hide iMessage app strip
  • Use custom bubble color(s)


  • Skip deletion confirmation
  • Use infinite zoom
  • Show image metadata


  • Hide 3rd party app section
  • Hide cell icons
  • Show IP address in Wi-Fi section
  • Show Ethernet section
  • Add device info button
  • Hide chevrons on cells
  • Use custom first and last name in Apple ID section
  • Hide software update badge


  • Use iPad style layout
  • Hide last photo preview
  • Disable shutter sound


  • Hide number button background
  • Hide call button background
  • Use custom call button color
  • Hide Voicemail tab
  • Show exact call time
  • Use large call button


  • Allow playback in background
  • Block Ads


  • Block Ads


  • Reenable number of likes


  • Hide promoted tweets


  • Use iPad Tab Layout
  • Enable background playback
  • Hide url bar background
  • Hide Private Mode banner


* Disable icon labels

Experimental features

  • Use modern notifications, with circle icons and icon shadow
  • Show photos debug UI
  • Round screen corners
  • Custom icon corner radius
  • Badge border outline with custom color and weight

Tweak Screenshots

Lynx Tweak Screenshot
Lynx Tweak Screenshot
Lynx Tweak Screenshot
Lynx Tweak Screenshot
Lynx Tweak Screenshot
Lynx Tweak Screenshot