

EchoUI - For iOS All Versions

Version: 1.4
Bundle ID: com.thetimeloop.EchoUI
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Themes
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: NAN KB
Author: timeloop
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: February 16, 2022

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Echoing UI

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.4 February 16, 2022 All Versions

Tweak Full Description

Theme various elements of iOS User Interface and enjoy the Echoes™ feel even more all trough iOS.

Currently containing:

  • Lockscreen icons
  • Status bar icons
  • WiFi & Signal icons
  • Battery 
  • Keyboard icons
  • Phone app icons and Call Screen icons
  • JUICE battery ( Many thanks to GuShi for the help )
  • Music App UI
  • Appstore UI
  • Photos UI
  • Messages UI
  • Safari icons fully themed
  • Clock app icons
  • DockX icons
  • A lot of smaller UI elements all trough the entire iOS ( I dare you to find them all )

Open in Filza / Install trough Filza / RespringApply trough Snowboard.

Make sure you have Snowboard extensions installed !

  • Snowboard UI extension
  • Snowboard Statusbar extension
  • Juice tweak (Sparkdev) for the battery theming.

Special Thanks

A lot of people made this possible by either encouraging me, inspiring me, or helping me test this on several devices.Thank you to GuShi , Sparkdev , alo

Refund Policy

I have provided a detailed description and the screenshots are accurate thus:

  • I will not accept any refunds after 24 hours. 
  • If requested within 24 hours and the reason is 'it's not working," I will try helping you set it up. Otherwise, I'll accept the refund.

Enjoy! 🍌

Tweak Screenshots

EchoUI Tweak Screenshot
EchoUI Tweak Screenshot
EchoUI Tweak Screenshot
EchoUI Tweak Screenshot
EchoUI Tweak Screenshot