

Fiona - For iOS 14.0 - 16.7.6

Version: 1.0.7
Bundle ID: com.yan.fiona
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000), com.opa334.altlist, firmware(>= 14.0), com.mrgcgamer.libgcuniversal
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 576 KB
Author: yandevelop
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: March 31, 2024

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Floating Tab bar for iOS devices.

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.0.7 March 31, 2024 14.0 - 16.7.6

Tweak Full Description


Ready to give your apps a fresh twist? Say goodbye to the stock tab bar and welcome a more modern design! Fiona is inspired by FloatyTab



  • Adjust the size and position of the tab bar to your liking
  • Choose from small, medium, or large widths and heights
  • Opt for a low, medium, or high bottom offset
  • Define the border radius to suit your preferences


  • Personalize the tab bar's icons and badges with your chosen tint color
  • … or let the tab bar's color harmonize with the app's icon for a cohesive look


  • Enjoy dynamic resizing of the tab bar in Instagram to ensure it never obstructs your content. Toggle this feature on or off at your convenience.

Supported apps

Fiona comes with support for various default apps, and additional apps can be enabled in Settings. Please be aware that enabling additional apps may lead to varied functionality. Some of the default working apps include:

  • Apollo
  • App Store
  • Apple Music
  • Apple Store
  • Bitwarden
  • Books
  • Clock
  • Deezer
  • eBay
  • Facebook
  • Files
  • Fitness
  • GitHub
  • Google Photos
  • Health
  • Home
  • iCleaner Pro
  • Instagram
  • iTunes
  • KDEConnect
  • LINE
  • Measure
  • Messenger
  • News
  • Phone
  • Photos
  • Podcasts
  • Reddit
  • Sileo
  • Shortcuts
  • Teams
  • Translate
  • TrollStore
  • TV
  • Twitch
  • Twitter / X
  • Watch
  • WeChat
  • WhatsApp

Compatibility As of now, this tweak is specifically developed for iPhones and does not support iPads.

Refund policy

Refunds will only be granted if there is an issue with the tweak itself which I can not resolve within a reasonable amount of time

Tweak Screenshots

Fiona Tweak Screenshot
Fiona Tweak Screenshot
Fiona Tweak Screenshot
Fiona Tweak Screenshot
Fiona Tweak Screenshot
Fiona Tweak Screenshot
Fiona Tweak Screenshot
Fiona Tweak Screenshot
Fiona Tweak Screenshot