iOS Jailbreak News, Tutorials and Tools!
The Fugu15 project developed by Linus Henze has quickly grown into becoming a full jailbreak thanks to developer @opa334 who’s taken the jailbreak project and made it into a usable tool for the general public. Initially, opa334’s version of Fugu15 jailbreak was called Fugu15 Max, […]
The Odyssey Team has been quite active in the past couple of months developing the Taurine15 jailbreak tool for iOS 15.0 all the way up to iOS 15.1.1. For a long time, the team got stuck at one component, AMFI, which handles the CodeSign on […]
Jailbreaking your device offers you the freedom you deserve when you pay several hundred dollars on a device. Being able to customize the lock screen, the home screen, icons, and so much more, has crystalized a relatively big community of enthusiasts around modifying Apple’s walled […]
If you are new to Jailbreaking your iOS device, you are probably looking for a quick tool to jailbreak your phone fast. First, we’d like to welcome you to our community, and then, it’s important to let you know that each iOS version is special […]