AIM - For iOS 14.0 - 15.7.6

Version: 1.2.9
Bundle ID: com.ali.aim
Architecture: iphoneos-arm (Rootful)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, firmware (>= 13.0), preferenceloader, ws.hbang.common (>= 1.14), com.spark.libsparkcolourpicker
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 4.83 MB
Author: alimaulana
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: January 28, 2023

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

iOS 16 Style Time & Date Lockscreen

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.2.9 January 28, 2023 14.0 - 15.7.6

Tweak Full Description

iOS 16 Style Time & Date Lockscreen


Time :

  • Hide/Show
  • 24 Hour option
  • Custom Format
  • Alignment
  • Colors (Adaptive Wallpaper: Background/Primary/Secondary/Custom)
  • Custom Font & Size (4 original Font Time from iOS16 or Custom with Picker) custom font put in /Library/Application Support/AIMFont format .ttf/.otf/.woff
  • Position Offset Y & X

Date :

  • Hide/Show
  • Date Options (with Temperature, Location, Alarm, etc)
  • Custom Format
  • Alignment
  • Style (Uppercase/Lowercase/Capitalized/None)
  • Colors (Adaptive Wallpaper: Background/Primary/Secondary/Custom)
  • Icon Weather Color
  • Custom Font & Size (custom with Picker) custom font put in /Library/Application Support/AIMFont format .ttf/.otf/.woff
  • Position Offset Y & X

Widget/Complications :

  • Hide/Show
  • Show on Lastlook
  • Widget 1 : High & Low 1x1 / 1x2
  • Widget 2 : Sunrise/Sunset/Alarm/Event (24 Hour Format options)
  • Widget 3 : Battery (Percentage 1x1 / Phone 1x1 / 1x2)
  • Colors (Adaptive Wallpaper: Background/Primary/Secondary/Custom)
  • Label Colors (Adaptive Wallpaper: Background/Primary/Secondary/Custom)
  • Size & Position

Other :

  • Text Shadow & Shadow Color (Date & Label)
  • Hide Notification Title
  • Notification Offset Y
  • Custom Text No Older (for None use space)
  • Custom Text Swipe up to open
  • Disable A-Font (block A-Font in SpringBoard & If after respring there is no change, just respring again
  • Hide Stock (Charging Animation, Quick Action)

*If weather doesn't show, add City/Location in Weather App

Original weather source from libPPDokdo sourcecode


Tweak Screenshots

AIM Tweak Screenshot
AIM Tweak Screenshot
AIM Tweak Screenshot
AIM Tweak Screenshot