

Jumi - For iOS All Versions

Version: 2.1.2
Bundle ID: com.aviorrok.jumi
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Themes
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: NAN KB
Author: aviorrok
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: June 19, 2023

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Simplicity for iOS

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
2.1.2 June 19, 2023 All Versions

Tweak Full Description

Jumi is a beautiful iOS theme that brings simplicity for every icon to give a true design for iOS

Jumi features

  • Over than 300 icons 
  • Alternative icons 
  • Custom made settings icons
  • Custom made notification badges
  • Custom made UI

Jumi updates

Jumi will be focused on updates for the following reasons

  • Add more icons
  • Enhancements design
  • Fixes to existing bundle-IDs
  • Exciting new stuff

Jumi icon requests

One of the most important features each theme should provide is icon requests

  • You can make your icon requests under my AVIROK1
  • The icon request format must include bundleID : (app name - bundle ID)
  • You can get the app's bundleID here or by downloading Bundley (from Sparkdev repo)

Jumi Notes

  • Paypal me if you wish to help me
  • Once you purchase Jumi all features & update are free
  • Jumi is supported on Winterboard, Snowboard, Anemone & iThemer
  • Jumi is supported on all iPhones, iPods & iPads running iOS 7.x through iOS 16.x and more to come

Tweak Screenshots

Jumi Tweak Screenshot
Jumi Tweak Screenshot
Jumi Tweak Screenshot
Jumi Tweak Screenshot
Jumi Tweak Screenshot