

Dynamic120hz - For iOS 15.0 - 16.6.1

Version: 1.2.3
Bundle ID: com.zqbb.dynamic120hz
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000) , firmware (>= 15.0), preferenceloader, com.opa334.altlist
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 1.39 MB
Author: zqbb
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: July 28, 2024

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Unlock dynamic refresh rate from 80hz to 120hz

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.2.3 July 28, 2024 15.0 - 16.6.1

Tweak Full Description

What it can do?

  1. Dynamic 120Hz Unlock

    • Apple limits the refresh rate to 80Hz in most apps during scrolling.

    • This tweak can dynamically unlock the 120Hz refresh rate system-wide, allowing the device to display content smoothly where supported.

    • For reference on scrolling frame rates, you can use CAPerfHUDSwift. You can also visually perceive the increased smoothness.

  2. Control Switch

    • The tweak provides a switch that allows users to enable or disable the 120Hz refresh rate mode for specific apps as needed, facilitating easy control and management.
  3. Game Helper

    • Even the tweak uninjecting into games, it still manages to maintain stable frame rates within the Springboard (home screen) environment.
  4. CPULocking 👉Deb link👈

    • Now you can use the additional temperature control override tool.

    • This tool allows you to play games without reducing screen brightness and CPU frequency.

    • You can also lower the CPU frequency without enabling low power mode.

    • It is available for free use only to those who have purchased Dynamic120hz.


  • iOS 15~16 rootless jailbreak systems, specifically Dopamine and XinaA15 rootless jailbreaks.

  • Semi-jailbroken(BootStrap, Serotonin) users report that the tweak works for them as well. (You may need to reboot your device.)

  • Only support ProMotion devices, such as 13/14Pro, and 13/14Pro Max.

Special reminder:


  • If you find any bugs or have suggestions, please contact me.

  • Your feedback is valuable to improve the tweak.

Tweak Screenshots

Dynamic120hz Tweak Screenshot
Dynamic120hz Tweak Screenshot
Dynamic120hz Tweak Screenshot
Dynamic120hz Tweak Screenshot
Dynamic120hz Tweak Screenshot
Dynamic120hz Tweak Screenshot