
Dimage - For iOS 11.0 - 16.4.1

Version: 1.3.0
Bundle ID: com.foxfort.dimage
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate, com.opa334.altlist, preferenceloader, com.foxfort.foxforttools(>= 1.4.0), com.opa334.ccsupport
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 1.2 MB
Author: foxfortmobile
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: April 23, 2023

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Tweak description:

Smart image dimmer

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.3.0 April 23, 2023 11.0 - 16.4.1

Tweak Full Description

Smart Image Dimmer

Imagine you are browsing Reddit or Facebook at night and someone posted a bright screenshot which burns your eyes! Wish that image was easier on your eyes? Dimage comes to your rescue, it dims images according to the brightness level that you set it for.

Great, so it dims my images, but what about images that are already dark? Image comes with SmartDim feature which intelligently determines whether an image is too bright and will automatically dim it if necessary.

Dimage also includes other useful features like:

-Apply only at night

-Apply only to medium or big images (useful when small bright images does not affect your eyes)

-Dim your home screen app icons (Does not work in spotlight search) 

-Configurable image brightness

-Applist support to enable it only in apps that you need


-Determining whether an image is bright is not is very subjective and will vary from person to person. If you sill find Image is not dimming images that you consider to be bright, then you can toggle off SmartDim and use the normal dim which will dim all images. 

-Dimage only works on images in native apps and will not work on websites or videos.

-Smart dim works only inside apps and will not have any effect on app icon dimming

If you find any app that is not working with Dimage, do let me know.

Report any bugs along with screenshots on my twitter account: @foxfortmobile

Feel free to mail me at [email protected] in case you have any queries.

Tweak Screenshots

Dimage Tweak Screenshot
Dimage Tweak Screenshot
Dimage Tweak Screenshot
Dimage Tweak Screenshot
Dimage Tweak Screenshot
Dimage Tweak Screenshot