

UnderDock - For iOS 15.0 - 16.7.5

Version: 1.3
Bundle ID: com.p2kdev.underdock
Architecture: iphoneos-arm64 (Rootless)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 680 KB
Author: p2kdev
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: July 22, 2024

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Useful actions on the Keyboard Dock View!

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.3 July 22, 2024 15.0 - 16.7.5

Tweak Full Description

Useful actions on the Keyboard Dock View!

I had started developing this tweak for my personal use in 2020 as I wanted a lightweight keyboard dock tweak which doesn't depend on rocketbootstrap etc. So I made this for my personal use & added polish to it with the release of the iOS15 jailbreak.

Supported Actions :

  • Select (Long Press to Select-All)

  • Copy (Long Press to Cut & Copy)

  • Paste (Long Press to Paste & Go/Search)

  • Start of Line (Long Press to goto Start of Document)

  • End of Line (Long Press to goto End of Document)

  • Insert Text (Specify different text for tap & long press)

  • Undo

  • Redo

  • Dismiss Keyboard

You can also dismiss keyboard by swiping left/right on the UnderDock view.

Credits to udevs9 for help with long press gesture on the dock view.

Tweak Screenshots

UnderDock Tweak Screenshot
UnderDock Tweak Screenshot
UnderDock Tweak Screenshot