

Pastcuts - For iOS 13.0 - 14.8.1

Version: 1.3.0
Bundle ID: com.zachary7829.pastcuts
Architecture: iphoneos-arm (Rootful)
Section: Tweaks
Dependencies: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000), preferenceloader (>= 2.2.3), firmware (>= 13.0), ws.hbang.common
Pre-install Dependencies: None
Installed Size: 1.05 MB
Author: 0xilis
Trusted repo?: Yes.
Last Updated: November 4, 2022

Install Tweak

Tweak description:

Import iOS 15+ shortcuts on iOS 13/14

Tweak Details

Current Version Last Update Supported iOS Versions
1.3.0 November 4, 2022 13.0 - 14.8.1

Tweak Full Description


Import iOS 15+ shortcuts on iOS 13/14

Allow Importing

Pastcuts tweaks your shortcuts you import to allow importing with your iOS version. If you've had troubles with Shortcuts loading a shortcut you're trying to import forever, crashing upon trying to import a shortcut, or get the usual "Shortcut Format Too New" warning (which is usually what you're supposed to get, but it's bugged in iOS 13/14 to sometimes do one of the other two), Pastcuts may be the perfect solution for you!

Action Conversion

Note that not every action can be converted, but a lot can. Here are the current ones:

  • Return to Homescreen
  • Stop and Output
  • Select File
  • Get File fixes
  • Open Shortcut
  • Create Shortcut

Pastcuts also converts the device details global variable to the iOS 13/14 equivalent.

Version Spoofing

Pastcuts gives you the optional choice to spoof the iOS version shortcuts thinks you're running. This is helpful due to some shortcuts using getting the system version, and preventing you from use if not a certain iOS version.

Modern Action Names

Pastcuts gives you the optional choice to use the modern names for actions if you prefer.

Free & Open Source

Pastcuts is free, and that's a great price! You lose absolutely nothing by trying Pastcuts out, and I think you should. It's also not only open source, but rather than being under a restricted license such as GPL that forces any contributions to it to be the same license, Pastcuts is truly open sourced under MIT. You can find the source code here:

Tweak Screenshots

Pastcuts Tweak Screenshot