If you are looking for the latest iOS 16.5 Jailbreak for your device, you are in the right place. We keep this page updated frequently to include all available tools (if any), and all methods available for you.
iOS 16.5 is no longer signed. You can find all signed iOS versions and Betas for all devices on our iOS Signing Status page here.
When will iOS 16.5 Jailbreak be released?
Depending on your device type, you may have to wait for a while before you will see an iOS 16.5 jailbreak released. Currently, depending on the SoC type on your iOS device, you have two outcomes:
- A12+ Devices: No jailbreak is currently available for iOS 16.4 or iOS 16.5 and there likely won’t be one available for a few months!
- A11 and older devices: PaleRa1n Jailbreak is currently being updated for iOS 16.4 and iOS 16.5, once it gets released you may find it on our Jailbreak Tools page. PaleRa1n jailbreak works on all iOS 16 versions and supports tweaks.
For clarity, A12+ devices are all modern devices newer than iPhone X. So iPhone XS, XR, iPhone 11, iPhone 12, iPhone 13, 14, etc.
The A11 and older devices are iPhone X and older, so iPhone X, iPhone 8, 8 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 6S, iPod touch 7th generation, etc.
PaleRa1n Jailbreak uses the checkm8 exploit used in checkra1n jailbreak, so it only supports A11 devices and older ones.
For newer devices, we need to wait for a kernel exploit to be released, which happens occasionally thanks to the security researchers in the iOS community.
iOS 16.5 Jailbreak Tools
Since iOS 16.5 is so new, there currently isn’t a full jailbreak available to get. The PaleRa1n jailbreak is being updated and it is open-source.
Once a full iOS 16.5 Jailbreak becomes available to grab, you can find it on this page or our iOS Jailbreak Tools page, which contains all available jailbreaks ever released for all iOS versions.
Can you jailbreak iOS 16.5 without a computer?
At the moment, it’s not possible to jailbreak iOS 16.4 or iOS 16.5 without a computer. PaleRa1n jailbreak requires a computer to jailbreak, and for the newer devices, there’s no tool available.
However, once an IPA jailbreak gets released or updated for iOS 16.5 in the future, you may be able to use services like Signulous, AppValley, Scarlet, and so on to install the jailbreak directly from your phone without a computer. Silzee may also provide various links for iOS 16.5 jailbreaks, so do be sure to check it out.
Is iOS Jailbreaking legal?
Thanks to 2012 and 2015 DMCA exemptions, iOS jailbreaking is considered 100% legal. You may freely jailbreak your device without getting in any legal trouble.
With that being said, do keep in mind that piracy is not legal and that may get you in trouble, so use your jailbroken device responsibly.
Apple can still deny a warranty repair if your device is jailbroken, but if you can somehow perform a full reset / iOS reinstall via iTunes or Finder before bringing the device in for service, they will never be able to tell you had a jailbreak. A cracked screen is not the fault of your jailbreak so it won’t matter anyway.
Final thoughts
While for now iOS 16.5 remains unjailbroken, the hackers and security researchers in the iOS community are already on it.
It’s unlikely that we will see Unc0ver Jailbreak or Taurine Jailbreak updated for iOS 16, but lots of new jailbreaks get released and new developers join the jailbreak scene. Since Unc0ver’s end, we had XinaA15 jailbreak, PaleRa1n, Fugu15 Max, and many more.
A lot of people are waiting for Pwn20wnd or Coolstar to release a jailbreak and fail to recognize the newer developers who have already taken up the gauntlet.
iOS 16.5 will not remain unjailbroken, but it will be a timely process.
Other guides from iDevice Central
- Best 10 Jailbreak Tweaks For PaleRa1n Jailbreak on iOS 15 and iOS 16
- How To Fix “App cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified” on iOS
- How to Install Themes (Custom Icons) On iOS 15.0 – 16.1.2 Without a Jailbreak
- Fugu15 Max Jailbreak being developed by opa334 for iOS 15.0 – 15.4.1
- iOS 15.0 – 16.1.2 Jailbreak News: All MacDirtyCow Tweaks & Customizations Available
- GameTutorialPro – Our Game Reviews, Tips, and Walkthroughs website!